Health and Wellness


Belize has a population of close to 400,000 people with a health system characterized by poor accessibility, poor quality and unaffordable health services. The average life expectancy is estimated at 72 years for males and 74 years for females, and specific indicators demonstrate there is ample room for improvement. Our population is mostly young, with 35.6 percent under the age of 15 years and 53.7 percent over 20 years of age, The elderly (60 years of age or older) only account for 6 percent of the total population.

A snapshot of our current state of our nation’s health shows that infant mortality is at 12.8 per 1,000 with higher mortality rates in the southern region of the country and there is an increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes type 2, heart disease, cancer, homicides and road traffic accidents, All are basically lifestyle-derived and costly. In addition to health care cost all of these afflictions also contribute to low productivity at work, absence from work due to illness and a strain on our social welfare system. In addition, frequent infectious diseases of which the most important are dengue and HIV, Hepatitis B (HBV), Tuberculosis (TB) and the superbugs and the result is a constant challenge to our already fragile health system.

To turn this around, the next PUP government will promote health as a basic human right where the main goal is universal health care for the entire population. It will bring out the best of the public, private sectors and non-governmental organizations to contribute to the short and long-term quality, efficiency and financial sustainability of the system. Our health sector will not only be sustainable but will contribute to the country’s economic growth and sustainable human development where access to quality health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines will be granted.

In light of the Covid-19 threat, it becomes most imperative for government to place highest priority on investing on raising the capabilities, quality and timely services of the national public healthcare system.

  • Location: Belize City
  • Date 2020/08/26
  • Time 05:55 PM
  • Organizer: HasTech
  • Phone: 0111 22 333 444
  • Website: