About PUP

Who We Are

The People’s United Party was founded in 1950 to protect and defend the rights
and lives of the people of then British Honduras who lived under colonial rule.

The hard work, dedication and determination of men like George Price, Leigh Richardson, John Smith, Nicholas Pollard Sr. and many others forged the early path towards what would be self-government and later, Independence. 

The same principals, morals and determination of that time are the trademarks of the People’s United Party today. We are determined to continue to Serve the People, to stand strong with them against oppression, whether it be from abroad or from within our borders. We are determined to grow our country and people and to defend to the last breath our sovereignty. We are committed to the Economic Independence of Belize, to the restoration of stability and security and to the unity of all our people.

History Of The Party

All these men were men of conviction. They deeply believed in what they were doing and put their reputations and their very lives on the line. This conviction communicates itself intuitively. Anyone watching, listening or even simply reading the text of rally and stump speeches can feel the energy and sincerity of their beliefs reaching out across the arc of time.

Party's Constitution

The People’s United Party was founded in 1950 to protect and defend the rights
and lives of the people of then British Honduras who lived under colonial rule.

The Philosophy And Political Creed Of The PUP

I am a member of the People’s United Party because I believe:

(a) That the nation of Belize is founded upon principles which acknowledge the supremacy of God, faith in human rights and fundamental freedoms, the position of the family in a society of freemen and women and institutions, the dignity of the human person and the equal and inalienable rights with which all members of the human family are endowed by their Creator;

(b) In the principles of social, economic and environmental justice, and therefore believe that the operation of the economic system must result in the material resources of the country being so distributed as to serve the common good; that there should be adequate means of livelihood for all, that labour should not be exploited or forced by economic necessity to operate in inhumane conditions but that there should be opportunity for advancement on the basis of recognition of merit, ability and integrity; that equal protection should be given to children regardless of their social status and that a just system should be ensured to provide for education and health on the basis of equality;

(c) That the will of the people shall form the basis of government in a democratic society, recognizing that people and institutions remain free only when freedom is founded upon respect for moral and spiritual values and upon the natural law;

(d) That policies of state must protect and safeguard the unity, freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Belize; eliminate economic and social privilege and disability, creed or gender; protect the rights of the individual to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to the ownership of private property and to operate private businesses; profit the exploitation of a man or by the state; ensure a just system of social security and welfare; protect the rights of workers to organize, unionize and strike; provide for a healthy, clean and sustainable environment; promote international peace, security and cooperation among nations and the establishment of a just and equitable international economic and social order based on interests of the other;

(e) Further that policies of state must promote the economic independence of Belize by pursuing strategies and programmes of self-reliance, greater production and innovation; stimulate a dynamic partnership between the government, the private sector and all the social partners, so that the ownership and control of our natural resources and national treasures are so managed as to secure maximum ownership and benefit for the Belizean people;

(f) That the coinage of money and control thereof is the sole responsibility of the duly elected representatives of the people;

(g) That it is the sacred duty of government to intervene actively in the economic life of the nation in order to achieve full employment and the eradication of poverty and secure a better life for all Belizeans.

Aims And Objectives

The P.U.P. is a political organization pledged to create a NEW BELIZE through the peaceful, constructive, Belizean revolution, which will bring to all Belizeans a better life and just share of the national wealth. The principal aims and objects of the P.U.P. are:

  1. To consolidate and preserve national unity based on respect for equality of all citizens regardless of race, colour, gender, creed or status with due regard for all regions of Belize.
  2. To defend and maintain the political independence of Belize, its territorial integrity and freedom for its people.
  3. To participate in elections at all levels with a view to forming national, municipal, village and community governments.
  4. To achieve the highest possible measure of economic independence by pursuing a policy of self-reliance and stimulating higher economic productivity through planned development of the nation’s resources for the benefit of all the people.
  5. To ensure that Belize is governed by a democratic government, which entails economic democracy as well as political democracy.
  6. To ensure that every Belizean has the right to freedom of expression, of movement, of religious belief and association, and the right to protection of life and property according to law and social justice.
  7. To ensure that every Belizean receives a just return for their labour based on equal pay for work of equal value, a fair share of national wealth, and a continuously improving quality of life.
  8. To ensure our national resources are owned, controlled and managed so that they are utilized in such a way as to directly benefit the people.
  9. To work ceaselessly for world peace and security through regional cooperation ?and through the United Nations.